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Once in a while you need someone to share your fears, insecurities, aspirations, expectations with someone but not everyone is apt enough or should I say mature enough to help you out. I needed the same at a point of time and I came across Deek Sir, who understood my problems better than anyone has managed thus far. I’ll forever be grateful to him for rendering his relentless support to me when I needed it the most. For anyone out there battling with himself or herself, I recommend you to share your issues with Deek sir and I’m more than sure he’ll give you the best advice.

Shrajit Srivastava


He is the one who taught how to live a life to the fullest. A man who follow “Give ur best to work and put all the other things aside to Lord”. Without him, life was complex. He very carefully un-twirled all the knots in such a delightful manner. Chatting with him was full of fun. A person will not even realised he/she is sharing some problems and of course I am blessed that I have experienced it. A true guru for me. Thank you soo much sir for everything. You understand people very well. Hope I could also mould my soul to perform good deeds like him. While chatting with him, I really enjoy The way he look positively at all the situation. I’m blessed and he is a great soul. #Pray #HaveFaith #StayPositive

Nekeira Sharma


Deek sir is an amazing leader. He takes out all ur mistakes by making you realise yourself. In my case I was in love with a girl. She loved me too. But because of some reason she left me. After she went I became mad. I totally lost my sense and tried to suicide. But when i came across Deek sir, he made me realise my mistake. He made me show my goal in life. Although it pains me a lot after she went but atleast I know my goal in life.

Shobhit Sushobhan


We are guided from our Teachers at school and parents at home when we are in problems but sometimes life bring us at that situation where we can’t share anything to anyone.That situation came to my life too and I was lost, but there come a man, a great soul “DEEK SIR”. A person who never realized that I am sharing any problems to him. He who look positively at all situations and give positive result or answer. I am glad to talk and able to share my problems to Sir and I suggested my friends too, to share there problem with Deek sir and get positive reply. While chatting to Sir ,I really feel like everything is easy in life .He  always supported me when I needed it the most. I started thinking positive in every situation. I am really grateful and thankful to Sir And Thank to GOD. 🙂 ​ 

Today on this last day of the year … I should Thank to Sir who made me Smile this year & motivated me to the positive thinking & living a life in new way. Thanks to GoD 🙂 With this new year its not only the no. Changing ,for Me New beginning New Hopes with Positive thoughts 🙂 .Happy New Year Sir 🙂 

Zainab, Gorakhpur




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